Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cerebral Aches

I kept trying to write the same line,

and then i realized who will relate,

sing along and elate?

I’ve idealized throughout all of this,

always saying what i wish

through these surrogate lines

but what i wish doesn’t really align

with what i want, and what i want

is just to understand this quilted guilt

and just quite how i ended up in this

suburban forest of eternal rest

that no kiss will ever wake

and I’m full of cerebral aches

I Just kept trying to write the same rhyme

then i realized who would relate?

And if i told you cerebral aches

would you sing along and awake

I’ve reprised throughout all of this

always saying what i want

through these surrogate lines

but what i want doesn’t really align

with what I wish, and what I wish

Is just to understand this plain patchwork

i’ve been needled into with a pain

and why I’ve waned in ending up in this

rural forest of eternal rest

that no kiss will ever wake

and depleted of cerebral aches

1 comment:

david said...

That's really great Matt. See you on Facebook yuk yuk